Promoting Excellence & Unity through Diversity
Helping you to get on top!
Individuals of all ages from realistically the age of six right through can benefit from Footnotes. In the simplest of tasks or the most complex of situations. Whether you need to write an essay, revise for an exam, produce a shopping list, relate to others, or take notes in a business meeting, Footnotes can help maximise the efficiency of your time management, and minimise stress levels, providing effective solutions for today’s complex lifestyles.
Footnotes was brought about primarily so that individuals could work in their preferred way, and that’s exactly what these strategies do. Ranging from enabling you to capture thoughts when you don’t yet know if they’re important, through to working out how to communicate them, value them, order them, present them, or make decisions with them. Perhaps also how to promote those ideas, whilst making sure that your integrity and vision is maintained.
Travel through time with ease – Footnotes Time Grids
There are time-related grids which help to create an overview of your days/weeks/months in such a way that you can make powerful decisions with your time. The Grids help you to see what’s important, whilst not losing site of your ideal day. One of the best attributes of these Grids, shows up when you need to change your plans. The Grids give a flexible way of reallocating your time, so that you don’t have to be ruled by guesswork timetabling anymore!
Strategies for decoding questions, dealing with emotional or behavioural challenges, through to communication and planning are also very much available in the mix!
“I was inspired by your talk at Falmouth uni. I now use your notes every day, and come home and colour in all the relevant information on my grid. I then stick it into my book in order to help me order my thoughts properly. I find your technique really helpful… I stick in my distractions at the back on my book, I may need them for inspiration for creative ideas in the future.”
“Thanks again for your tireless pursuit of helping those who think in a different way and were hindered by the traditional education system!”
Families & Groups
Families & Groups
Footnotes can be used to encourage awareness of kindred values throughout a family or group. Its also a great levelling tool, particularly when used in situations where people of different age-groups, abilities or experience are represented in the same dialogue process. This means that everyone’s input can be valued equally. Footnotes Grids open up the ability to participate because the process doesn’t necessarily require everyone to have already mastered either language or drawings skills. Even the simplest of drawn or written notes can be used to establish common agreements and goals.
Below are more examples of where Footnotes can offer simple solutions to everyday challenges:
Grid on your fridge
This is the multilayered answer to family communication and coordination, by keeping your family up-to-date whilst maintaining perspective.
Dialogue Grids
Dialogue; discussions; dealing with arguments or disagreements; coming to a mutual understanding. These are all things that families who come to us at Footnotes have found our various strategies useful for. Whether using a single personal grid, or a series of collective grids, solutions that were once unattainable are able to be realised. The Gridding process can bring all areas of interest and opinion to light in a way that is non-confrontational and fair. It opens up the opportunity for all involved to see the big picture. Not only personally but also the big pictures of those they are dialoguing with. This helps individuals to move into better agreements, become better at relating to one another, and so develop a more thriving community existence.
Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation
Where words run out and conversations can quickly lead to misunderstandings or even fights… Footnotes gives voice to everyone concerned by ensuring that each individual is heard and acknowledged, enabling every point of view to be recognised. There are always two sides to every story. Footnotes’s impartial approach delivers a fast, safe framework for reconciliation, mapping the process in a sensitively managed way so that all users feel freedom to initiate and respond as they feel ready. Footnotes strategies keep the heart of a community focus in view, and can bring about conclusion and betterment for everyone involved.
Time Management Related Grids
With busy households having lots of different movements and uses for time, families benefit greatly from our series of time grids. These enable individuals to collaborate when appropriate, to do things like chores, to commit to being together or being left alone, through to meeting deadlines and generally resolving any tensions or challenges that might exist.
Vocations & the Workplace
Vocations & the Workplace
The market place today places demands on businesses that can cause them to succeed or fail very quickly. Using Footnotes in a business, at either a personal or corporate level, can help you to see the bigger picture and be more effective at understanding the scope of the plan, whilst achieving and exceeding goals. The collaboration of varied kinds of thinkers is often key to the success of small or large companies. With the input of bespoke visual multilayered thinking (VMT) awareness training and use of Footnotes grids, both individuals and whole teams can find their personal and collective potential realised.
For many years, thinking and learning in words has dominated the workplace, but there is an increasing realisation that an understanding of non-linear, visual multilayered thinking is vital for the workplaces of the future. Footnotes’ alternative VMT methods introduce techniques that can allow people to realise their full thinking and communication potential. The techniques inspire holistic information processing, strengthening personal and team management capabilities and innovation skills.
New Footnotes applications for the business environment are being developed on a regular basis, some of these are listed here:
- Executive & Senior Management non-linear functioning skills
- Multi-business meeting and mediation hosting
- Individual and group innovative thinking support
- Multilayered thinkers business start-up support
- Making the most of your specific thinking skills.
Workshops and online sessions can be booked as stand-alone input or can also be incorporated as part of an existing event such as a conference or team meeting.
Training is available from all perspectives of a business, from CEO to shop floor temp support. It can take place in the workplace alongside the normal working day, or can be offered as bespoke training sessions. Footnotes training also transfers well using online conferencing, and tutorials and training can be booked to bring a very powerful dynamic into a live working situation.
Existing staff can be trained to become Footnotes Facilitators to the rest of the workforce. Depending on the kind of business you are running you may even choose to become licensed to offer Footnotes training as a specialist.
“I am the CFO for a London based management consultancy and have been actively using the grid for over four years. The grid helps me sort my thoughts quickly. Examples of where I apply the grid include, solving a complex business problem, preparing a speech and taking notes. The benefit of the grid is not only the freedom of using a visual approach but also a neat way of coping with multi-layered thinking. My life has not been the same since being exposed to footnotes and Oliver”
“I am particularly grateful for your introduction to Oliver West’s visual thinking techniques. I have read his book and am amazed at how much of it I recognise as my own experience! I am starting to use the grids and techniques. It feels like a big relief to have this tool! So a big thank you for that.”
Learning & Research
Learning & Research
Bringing Freedom to the way you learn!
In current education systems, a person’s unique learning style can easily be overlooked or go unrecognised during his or her educational experience. Footnotes brings an alternative way of learning and communicating to the estimated two thirds of the population who prefer to think in visual ways. This can be as part of a learning strategy in a mainstream setting, or for specific individuals. Footnotes is often found to be effective in the most surprising of contexts. It has a range of applications: from helping your child at home, to managing difficult assignments, to assisting struggling students in a classroom or seminar setting, through to teacher training.
Learners from pre-school to university often see dramatic breakthroughs in their communication and learning skills, as they develop their visual strategies as an aid to understanding and internalising verbal and written cues. This breakthrough is often dramatically fast, releasing people to manage their own thinking and behaviour. The resulting confidence allows natural abilities to be properly discovered, and the student to participate fully in his or her learning environment.
Footnotes can be effectively incorporated alongside prescribed curriculum structures without any extra workload to the host teacher/tutor. The use of Footnotes in the classroom is a proven vehicle for releasing and harnessing an individual’s awareness of their unique balance of visual, audio and kinaesthetic characteristics. It’s often during this complimentary use that many individuals — as well as those supporting them — first find out what their specific balance might be. Learners often show abilities previously hidden or locked in by an inability to cope in the usual learning environment. Footnotes has been shown to be a powerful tool for unlocking all kinds of barriers to learning within the ‘normal’ group setting of the classroom. The introduction of peer-mentored programmes has proven to greatly accelerate the absorption of Footnotes into whole institutions, with a high percentage of the community embracing the programme in varied ways as raised aspirations and new-found confidence set a new pace.
New Footnotes applications for the learning environment are being developed regularly. These are some of our most popular ones:
Reading and writing
There’s more than one way to read a book, and many ways of working towards and with the written word.
Study skills and lectures
Ensure an appropriate focus at any given time during your study; get the balance between capturing what you’re hearing and thinking, whilst keeping hold of the bigger picture. There are grids for note taking, listening to lectures, managing the stages of conceptual planning, critical analysis; all the work is visibly contained in a way which allows the big picture to be kept in view.
Revision and decoding questions
Map your learning journey, use strategies for memory storage and recall, and ensure success by knowing that you understand the questions before you answer.
Essays and presentations
Keep a birds-eye view of the whole topic throughout the preparation process, whilst ensuring your ability to edit and re-sequence right up to the last minute.
For visual thinkers, writing long essays and dissertations can be difficult. We believe the answer is to think and plan in holistic pictorial terms and then translate into linear terms. The Footnotes programme allows pictures and keywords to say the thoughts and ideas, and also plan the sequence of organising and translating into spoken or written final presentation. Large essays are frequently planned out this way. This process might seem to require more time than a conventionally planned essay, but time and time again we have been told that in fact, the whole project process works out to be much shorter, and often students remark on the very positive feedback from their tutors. The power is in what you do with your grids once you have created them. That’s where we can really help!
Organisation and time management
Find the joy of multitasking; manage your time rather than it managing you, and then meet your deadline without undue stress.
Innovation and Design
Collate and prioritise plans without losing sight of the seed of your idea. Benefit from seeing the whole scope of a dream project whilst holding on to the marvellous and mundane components.
If you would like to refer anyone for individual Footnotes support or intervention, visit this page.
“Yesterday was an eye-opener into the lives of children who are struggling. We don’t give them tools to better themselves. They must follow our guidelines – but they need special guidelines that we often don’t give them. I’m just sorry that this has come so late for some!”
“I am a primary school teacher and have continually searched for ways to help those children who struggle with basic reading and writing skills, particularly when it is clear to me that so many have so much more potential than they are able to realise in a standard classroom setting.”
“Your book was like a ray of light, focusing as it does as on our linear approach to teaching being an obstacle rather than an aid to many children’s learning.”
“Quite an eye-opener! I really enjoyed the workshop. Will definitely implement it in my school.”
“I think this method will help us a lot. The creative aspects that are attached to it seriously gives hope to complement the writing and teaching ability of the learners.”
“Thanks 4 visiting! Since I learned of the grid, I’ve done more on my PhD in a week than in 3 years previously!”
Behaviour Management
Behaviour Management
Footnotes can help to awaken positive changes in people who have been labelled with negative behavioural issues. Its non-threatening, personal approach gives confidence to the user, who benefits from the sense of security they feel when using strategies that are driven forward in their own control and at their own pace. We at Footnotes have often witnessed the wonderful transformation of individuals who start to possess a sense of their worth as they witness their own ability to change their lives. Behavioural management strategies also work within health areas where an individual has to change the way that they treat themselves or treat others.
Footnotes has a track record of enabling individuals. It’s not about ‘mind over matter’ strategies — these may fail in situations where an individual is ‘seeing red’, or where a fear or a memory just creates a ‘freeze moment’, or a restriction on them being able to self-manage.
What Footnotes has powerfully demonstrated, is that through the use of image-based sequencing of information, individuals have been able to ‘give themselves a message’ for when they desperately need it. In some senses it is as though they are reprogramming their response to a situation by literally leaving themselves an image ready for that situation, one that will trigger a better decision or a right response with long lasting effect . In so doing, they feel in control and able to avoid behavioural or other labels.
The process of getting an individual to start drawing/notetaking in the first place can be a real hurdle, but with so many grids to choose from and with bespoke questions to ask, it doesn’t take long for the person to realise that it makes good sense to use the grids to deal with things once and for all! Some say that it feels like a weight be lifted from their shoulders.
Our portfolio of strategies range from enabling an individual to gain perspective of their situation, seeing it from various angles or points of view, through to harnessing new hopes and being able to see a pathway and timeline to their successful goal. Footnotes supports changing behaviour, helping individuals to pre-determine a new response and organise themselves so that their behaviour is steered through time.
When it comes to communication, Footnotes offers strategies for better interaction between those with previously difficult connections, and can also address reconciliation where anger or mistrust is preventing the way forward.
In multi-agency settings, the mediation strategies also have an important part to play bringing all parties together, and facilitating exchange.
If you would like to refer anyone for individual Footnotes support or intervention, please visit the referrals page
Oliver West, creator and founder of Footnotes, offers visual multilayered thinking (VMT) awareness support, Footnotes consultation and bespoke training with you or your organisation. This could be in areas such as policy making, curriculum creation and management support, assessment strategies, and learning or working environment development.
Public Speaking & Motivational Awareness
You can also invite Oliver to speak at any event that you are organising. From conferences, to plenary and breakout presentations and even school assemblies.
Sample “Picture This”, a film made by Dan Evans and Richard Blake:
Counsellors & Pastoral Carers
Counsellors & Pastoral Carers
Footnotes is a particularly useful set of strategies that work for professional counsellors and those who have a pastoral component to their work. These strategies can meet people at each stage of their process. They are useful in a one-to-one counselling session, or as a workshopping activity where two or more people are gathered.
Footnotes also works very well for individuals who are preparing for support with a counsellor or therapist; those who are making a decision in the first instance about whether they want to seek help from a counsellor. Therefore, potentially before a person reaches the need for counselling or therapy, they are able to self-manage their understanding of their emotional circumstances.
The Grid strategies can be brought alongside to enable even the quietest and most withdrawn individual to embark on the process of communicating their situation; initially to themselves and then, in due course, to others who can support them. Footnotes can be really supportive in preventing unhelpful behaviours and restoring preferred responses in a patient, for example with those suffering from self-harm, anorexia or other related diagnoses. The Footnotes tool can be used for assessment, for gaining perspective, for planning, for dialogue, and for communication. It provides a safe place to store personal and private ideas, as well as helps people look to and plan for the future.
If you would like to refer anyone for individual Footnotes support or intervention, visit this page. Oliver West, creator and founder of Footnotes, offers visual multilayered thinking (VMT) awareness support, Footnotes consultation and bespoke training with you or your organisation. This could be in areas such as policy making, curriculum creation and management support, assessment strategies, and learning or working environment development.
Health & Social Services
Health & Social Services
Footnotes can be tailored to suit the specific needs of a department and can offer long-term solutions both to individuals and to the multi-agency services they work in within the public sector.
Referrals can be made by health practitioners to the Footnotes VMT Programme. Footnotes has proven to provide a unique framework for the sharing of workable methodologies of support across multi-agency initiatives. By training staff in Footnotes, not only will practitioners develop skills to manage their own work load, they will also have useful strategies to hand on to the individuals they are working with.
New Footnotes applications for the healthcare and social services environment are being developed on a regular basis. We offer a broad portfolio of strategies that can be applied both to an individual or to a wider or group setting. Multi-agency collaboration particularly benefits from the use of these easily transferable strategies.
Footnotes is frequently used in the practical tasks of need assessment, in supporting meetings of the various parties involved or in the process of decision making. Footnotes is also relevant in the more therapeutic setting of memory recall and recovery, for patients who have had illness that has caused memory loss.
Alternatively, working with patients on diagnosis decoding, to help individuals really understand what situation they are currently in so that they can make appropriate decisions. The timelines series of activities can also help individuals to see where they are going. Using the perspectives grid and the decision making grid, they can then move towards setting realistic goals within their hopes and dreams, and maybe even look at behavioural change where this is appropriate.
If you would like to refer anyone for individual Footnotes support or intervention, visit this page.
Judicial System
Judicial System
Footnotes offers a unique range of strategies that support both the multi agency teams working in the judicial system, and the members of the public they are working with. It might be people who are at risk of offending, have previously offended, or were victims of crime, as well as those making policy decisions or working in general public awareness.
The various Footnotes modules can support all the parties involved in judicial processes. Footnotes often helps where colleagues from different teams have a very short period of time to cross-reference work that they are doing, potentially with the same individual or group of people. Footnotes offers a quick knowledge transfer strategy. That process isn’t just for between professionals, it can also be used in supporting individuals. For example, working with someone who is under a final warning.
We have come across non-reader/writers young offenders who have to sign a form when they’ve been arrested, before anything can proceed. They’re usually too embarrassed to show that they have been unable to read the paperwork. Footnotes gives the ability in such a circumstance to ensure that information is given to the individual, so that they understand what their situation is, and how they’re able to respond to that most effectively. This then creates a better dialogue opportunity. In cases where the officer knows the young person, they may also be able to refer them back to a previous conversation that involved the use of a grid, and the images that gave them the ability without words to understand themselves and others.
We also work with dyslexic police staff, for example, who find the systems in place for making evaluation and reports quite difficult, arduous and impractical. Our feedback has been that they find the grid helps to keep things much fresher and capture the detail of memory.
Footnotes gives officers adjustability so that they can be accurate with their personal note taking, and process how they best deal with people. It also helps them put together documents that can grow and adapt, depending on the latest piece of information that’s come in, or a recent experience they’ve had with a member of the public.
“I use your A4 system on a daily basis for everything that’s needs planning and recording of information. It has been a god send. Previously I was extremely anxious when dealing with complex investigations and recording accounts in suspect and victim interviews. But your system is simple and means because it is segmented I can concentrate on the content and not the structure. When I have to monitor a victim interview I can now record pretty much word for word what is being detailed. This can be achieved on a number of A4 sheets of paper where my colleagues are using several investigators note books. I use the system in class because I find that being dyslexia I need to record the information in writing it in order to take in what is being said…Your system has completely changed my ability to record and disseminate information” Police Detective Constable
Lawmakers /policymakers
Lawmakers / Policy Makers
Footnotes provides a flexible mapping tool that overcomes the difficulty of gathering and formulating large amounts of information from diverse situations. It enables lawmakers & policymakers to never lose sight of the needs of the people that the law and policy affects.
Footnotes gives the ability to overlay the parameters of previous policy and current financial and legal constraints whilst providing the arena for fresh, flexible policies to be made. It enables traffic of high density of information without overwhelming the layman reader.
The strategy is able to identify and maintain the focus of large amounts of information that need consideration, which also brings one faster and closer to the hub of the policy issue at hand, thus saving time from unnecessary follow up ‘to and fro’ dialogue, and from pauses that may hamper the decision making process.
With some projects lasting a considerable amount of time, Footnotes enables a ‘right up to the last minute’ editable system of document creation, often highlighting the incomplete, and giving the ability to accumulate information as it comes in, without it disrupting or undoing the process of policy creation.
As policies are made collaboratively, by multiple individuals/teams often from diverse backgrounds, the multilayered layered capacity of Footnotes to easily transcend all barriers of language, logic and culture are highly beneficial.
Oliver West, creator and founder of Footnotes, offers visual multilayered thinking (VMT) awareness support, Footnotes consultation and bespoke training with you or your organisation. These strategies are highly relevant to policy making but can also be applied in many other fields as well. This could be in areas such as programme creation, policy assessment strategies, research development and management support.
“At GHNI we meet with policy makers from all over the world. It’s my experience that Footnotes has what it takes to deliver fast acting, powerful strategies to enable those in positions of authority to assess, agree and deploy what is needed. …It’s a scalable and capable program that defines and delivers whether it be in a refuge camp or in a boardroom.”
Hal Jones – CEO and Founder of Global Hope Network International (2000 – 2020).
With the increase of globalisation, ways of community living often become threatened or brought into question. Footnotes aims to support community projects that enable the individual to be part of a bigger, secure collective identity. Because Footnotes is applicable to all, it can be readily used as a tool for bringing people and vision together. Footnotes can challenge and bring change so that situations can be faced and managed, and problems turned into opportunities and breakthroughs.
Footnotes enables people to identify what community they have. Furthermore, how they can mobilise community. Users of Footnotes readily see new ways of bringing the diversities of community into workable, manageable projects. Even the ‘smallest’ talent of a community can be realised and utilised to bring a contribution whose managed output can be as important as the ‘greatest’ talent; nothing is wasted in moving forward and everyone’s voice can be heard.
Individuals pulling together a community project often come with very different ideas but possibly the same vision. Helping people identify how and when they would arrange a meeting, with the right parties involved and with reasonable and realistic goals agreed upon, can be quite a challenge. Footnotes helps so much in this situation because it doesn’t hold anyone back, not discriminating by age, background, culture or educational experience.
Through providing the opportunity to identify roles and shared goals, Footnotes can help individuals confidently initiate a community project. Once individuals know where they fit within the community vision, the organisational strategies that Footnotes offers can enable people at all levels and ages to share interactively as they gather, so that targets can be adjusted and most importantly realised.
Footnotes also provides community projects with strategies for pulling together, funding bids, feasibility studies, evaluation and feedback programmes, meetings, organisation, as well as other broad communication strategies.
Some examples of different community contexts are:
- The creation of a ‘parish’ council initiative
- An urban or rural business innovation project
- Vulnerable people support networks
- Regional governmental community schemes
- Charity events and organisations
- Not for profit organisations
“Youth and Community Worker – I recently read the book “In search of words – footnotes visual thinking techniques” by Oliver West. I found it a deeply moving book. As a dyslexic and visual thinker, so much of his book resonated with me. This is my journey, as I took notes, and then in words so it makes sense to others than me…” read more
Visual images are a powerful means of communication, especially where the written and spoken word are not effective, and the Footnotes Programme has been able to facilitate and assist bringing education, communication and practical aid to a wide range of individuals and communities world wide.
Oliver’s multilayered visual thinking strategies have helped people of all ages and widely differing communities to realise their often undreamed of potential. Footnotes programmes have been used as a tool by voluntary organisations — such as GHNI — in front line situations, and to provide on-going support backup from a distance. The strategies have been proven to support individuals where hope is all but lost. No matter how unequipped a person or a community, Footnotes has proven to help the individuals themselves to reach levels of success previously thought not possible.
Footnotes brings a substantial portfolio of strategies that can be used right in the situation, working both in the field and back in the hub of administration. That is, both training teams and also being directly on the ground. The areas of application include:
- Rapid assessment tools that help to discover exactly what the needs are, then work out which resources are available, which still need to be sourced, and what must be done to get them.
- Language translation strategies when language is a barrier.
- Bringing in support to those who have seen things that are stopping them from moving on, such as dealing with bereavement, addressing issues of reconciliation and offering mediation support.
- Pastoral care is also an important area for Footnotes. We have programmes that support counsellors and pastoral carers, bringing VMT strategies alongside emotional support and post-trauma recovery initiatives.
- Hopes and dreams are always important throughout the process, and Footnotes brings a number of strategies that help individuals to realise their enterprise and entrepreneurial abilities, whilst also helping them to realise goals — whether they be large or small. The grids can come alongside situations no matter how simple or complicated they are.
“Always we saw fighting, war, explosion, especially in Middle East. Country fighting with other country, attacking, you know, bombing. Killing. We always thinking about the quiet life… From when I was child I was thinking about quiet place…I used [Footnotes], I translated in my mind and in my heart and in my feeling to drawing. I not draw normally but I try to do something… This is a very new thing for me. It’s the first time I’ve translated sentences to pictures… I translated what’s in my mind and in my heart and in my feelings to drawing… I think it’s a good, amazing thing, that makes you understand yourself better.”
Ari. Aid Worker in Kurdistan
“I’ve learnt a lot from what I heard and I even feel that my dream has come true today and so I have to speak about it! I have had a dream, but I’ve not known how to approach it before today. The Footnotes workshop showed me that it was easy to do and now I know that my dream can be real! I would love to make a business, to have a shop selling food…so I want people to hear…pull up your feet…opportunity is out there and it’s in our hands, you just need to use it.”
Moota. Living at the ‘Place of Hope’ shelter for abused woman and children, Cape Town
“As an OT I have experienced through taking Footnotes to South Africa how multifaceted Footnotes is. There are multiple uses for many different people for different reasons. I have seen a boy who stutters use Footnotes to present in a clear articulate manner for film. I have seen young people come to realise and articulate their dreams and provide their own objectives to their own goal, I have seen facilitators of after school projects and managers come to realise the positive impact Footnotes can have on their youth programmes and teaching programmes. From spending time with Oliver I have heard amazing, truly inspiring stories of how negative behaviour, whether crime related or not can change, when the offenders remedy the error of their ways. Footnotes can be used to help with research by collecting organising and presenting in a written format at University levels. Footnotes is a programme that can be used by any person, and I want to encourage everyone to try using it.” UK based Occupational Therapist
“Hi Oliver, You really have opened our minds. In our school we are having children who we are calling slow learners because they cannot read and write. Thank you for explaining everything to us, and showing us the program. Even the children who were regarded as having disabilities were able to translate words into pictures! I think all the things you have explained and showed to us will be useful in school. Especially to assist all the learners that are unable to read or write.”
Teacher at a Western Cape Education Department training day
Culture & Language Translation
Culture & Language Translation
Footnotes VMT has served many a multicultural community with a set of Grids which allow thought and communication to flow to and from a person’s first language.
Footnotes translation grids are used to store and assimilate information which is not always easy to translate directly using normal language or social etiquettes.
With fun and where appropriate revision and testing grids to hand, up to date records and memory prompts can be recorded to help navigate the complex and sometimes unpredictable aspects of culture and language.
Learning Differences

We are passionate about Setting All Kinds of Minds Free !
Celebrating Learning Differences
We find cause to celebrate learning differences! For the majority of people, learning differences are commonly known as “Learning Disabilities”. Here at Footnotes, we prefer to focus on the ‘ability’ of a person, and repeatedly, we see high functioning autonomy, and abilities that happen in each individual that are expressed beyond the simple forms of communication – where most societies set their benchmarks. Indeed, we find time and time again that Footnotes strategies enable an effective capturing of the sometimes otherwise untapped creativity and skill sets that makes each of us so unique. Please click below to find out more!