Capture Ideas

at the speed of thought!

with Footnotes Grid







It’s fast, easy and very discreet.

Be free to express!

Footnotes VMT Visual Learning Techniques using grids
Footnotes VMT Visual Learning Techniques

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“In Search of Words”

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Footnotes VMT – Visual Multilayered Thinking

Footnotes VMT gives the ability to understand and express ones thoughts and feelings, in a visual multilayered way. This can be translated into many spheres: from education to enterprise, communication to community, reconciliation to healing.

Footnotes is a programme of 30+ strategies which opens doors to imagination. It promotes the process of capturing and defining layers of hopes and aspirations, whilst bringing a wonderful sense of understanding and order to life in an encouraging and personalised way. These are multi-layered thinking strategies which engage with the genius within. Give Footnotes a try and prepare to be amazed at how truly skilled you already are!