Footnotes Grids – Fast to use – With infinite storage capacity!
You might have heard someone saying that they “don’t have a grid for that”. In the light of recent global events, its never been more relevant than now for us all to have our own grid for managing life in these fast-changing times.
The Footnotes Programme uses visual grids employing a folded sheet of paper or the Footnotes App. Its simple! but really effective! There are lots of Grids to choose from, which can help you to see and live life with more of big picture view. Many of us visualise a lot of our moment by moment thoughts and the Grids help up us to use our powerful visual Multilayeed thinking skills to draw out the best in us and manage life’s challenges in our preferred way.
Here are some examples of areas in everyday life where the grids have proven effective
- Remembering things
- Managing time & Meeting deadlines
- Planning documents, Projects & Life!
- Communicating
- Positive thinking & Stress management
- Learning to spell, Read & Write
- Notetaking & Revision
- Meetings & Mediation
- Reconciliation
- Sharing ideas & Presenting
- Meditation & prayer
- Getting perspective & making decisions
- Dealing with distractions
- Assessment & Testing
- Managing behaviour
- Changing Vocation
- Multilingual translation
- Planning your next adventure!
It only takes a few minutes to get “Gridding” a process of doodling and notetaking at the speed of thought!
Grid Finder
As the Grids often help one another, why not click through and find your preferred grids from the 3 carousels below!
Development Grids
Productivity Grids
Communication Grids
Now that you have chosen your preferred cluster of 3 Grids we suggest you book a tutorial to get started!
Why not get started straight away ! ?
Grab a sheet of paper and a pencil
Then fold your sheet of paper 4 times in half as shown in the animation below:
or log on to ( to experience the app)
Lets get you started with one of the Footnotes Grids : Here’s the Capture Grid as an example.
The Capture Grid is useful for helping you to see your thoughts objectively and importantly get them out and onto paper or into the app. Now start by grabbing those thoughts that come to mind and draw and note down what you see. ( by the way, you don;t have to feel like you are an artist to do this, simple doodles and keywords are fine)
Try to keep your grids as visual as possible so that you can always see the Big Picture!
In other words, the less words the better, but use the important words when you need to.
If you’ve filled some of your “Gridlets ” ( the little boxes within the Grid) We hope that you will find that seeing the big picture even in this simple task can be really beneficial. They say a picture can speak a thousand words! That makes your doodles potentially very useful indeed! There’s so much more to share about how this and other grids work and even a partially-filled grid, will give us lots to get started with. That said if you’d like help getting the ball rolling, do get in touch and we’ll get you started from scratch!
Give us as little as 10 minutes of your time and we’ll help you to maximise your gridding and harness more of your visual multilayered thinking skills: Book a starter session
To book more in-depth mentoring sessions and or to find out about the various grids please get in touch to get started
Some of the Grids are also described in the book ” In Search of Words ”
Footnotes Grid techniques are created with flexibility to accommodate each individual users thinking styles. You might like to discover more about how you tick : Book a VMT awareness tutorial